It all begain with the single seater CX4. Originally a taildragger, most have been built with tricycle gear using a suplement to the plans that Dave published due to builder demand. The CX5 tandem version and the CX7 side-by-side have room for a passenger so you can share the fun! The plans are shipped as paper prints with a build handbook. Click here for how to buy
These machines love to fly; takeoff in only 700ft (just over 200m). The CX5 has a fantastic glide ratio around 13:1; in fact there is a speed-brake to reduce it to a more Cessna/Piper-like 8:1 to make landing shorter/steeper as desired. Check out Glen’s ventral video.

Single-seater: The original Dave Thatcher design.

CX5 – Two seats
Pilot and passenger in-line
on the center line.

CX 7 – Two seats
Now your passenger can see more than the back of your head!
“I fly out over the beach here in Pensacola and look down at the people and wonder if they have any idea how happy this 75 year old man is to be up here in his airplane that he made himself.”